Sense & Sensibility ~ Book vs Movie Actor Age, Colonel Brandon Age, Edward Ferrars Age, Elinor Dashwood Age, John Willoughby Age, Marianne Dashwood Age. Graph, Bar chart, Jane Austen

Sense & Sensibility ~ Book vs Movie Actor Age

Books British Jane Austen Pop Culture

“Sense & Sensibility” character book ages vs their movie actor counterparts age can be seen in the graph above. “Sense and Sensibility” is a classic novel written by Jane Austen, first published in 1811. The book tells the story of the Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne, and their experiences with love, heartbreak, and societal expectations. Over the years, the novel has been adapted into various film and television adaptations, each with its own interpretation of the characters and their ages. The 1995 film adaptation was used for this graph and article.

Elinor Dashwood is portrayed as a sensible and level-headed young woman, while her younger sister Marianne is depicted as a romantic and impulsive girl. In the book Elinor is 19 and Marianne is 16. For the 1995 movie adaptation, Emma Thompson plays Elinor and Kate Winslet plays Marianne. In 1995, Thompson was 36, and Winslet was 20. Both actress were older than their book counterpart. This age difference brought a unique dynamic to the characters’ relationship, emphasizing Elinor’s maturity and responsibility as the older sister, and Marianne’s youthful exuberance and naivety as the younger sister.

Colonel Brandon, John Willoughby, and Edward Ferrars are all love interests in the book and movie. In the movie, Alan Rickman was cast as Colonel Brandon. Hugh Grant was cast as Edward Ferrara. And Greg Wise played John Willoughby. All of these actors were older than their book counterparts.

Rickman was 49 playing a 35 year old Brandon. Grant was 35 playing 23 year old Ferrars. And Wise was 29 playing 25 year old Willoughboy. The characters from Sense & Sensibility Book vs Actor Age can be seen in the graph above.

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