Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice Book Character Married Age Graph Chart Analytics Charlotte & Collins, Lydia & Wickham, Jane & Bingley, Elizabeth & Darcy

Jane Austen ~ Pride & Prejudice Characters’ Married Age

Books Jane Austen Pop Culture

The above graph shows the age of the characters in Pride & Prejudice when they got married. The first couple to get married was Charlotte and Mr Collins. Both Charlotte and Collins needed to get married. So it worked out that they found each other, even if the match had more to do with convenience than love. The age difference here is interesting because Charlotte at 27, is two years older than Collins, 25.

The next couple to get married was Lydia and Wickham. This marriage was an elopement, with Lydia being 15 and Wickham 27. Wickham gets major side eye with this move, even if Lydia was not the most likable character. They also have the biggest age difference out of all four couples.

By the end of the book Bingley finally gets it together and asks Jane to marry him. These two are the closest in age out of the four couples with Jane being 22, and Bingley 23.

The last couple to get married are the two main characters of the story Elizabeth and Darcy. Their engagement is the happy ending to the novel. Elizabeth is 20 and Darcy 28 when these two tie the knot.

Pride & Prejudice Characters Married Age Graph Notes:

The x-axis (horizontal part of the graph) shows the shows the names of the two character who married each other. The y-axis (vertical part of the graph) shows the age. Every bar represents the age of that character in Pride & Prejudice when they got married. The pink bar shows the female characters age. The purple bar shows the male characters age. The couples are sorted from first wedding to last. Wickham’s age is listed at 27, but in the book it days he is middle to late 30s. Jane Austen (Author of Pride and Prejudice): She was an English novelist made famous from authoring six major novels, which interpret, critique and comment upon the British society at the end of the 18th century.

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