Taylor Swift swears per album graph cheap_ass damn dickhead fuck hell shit Midnights, Evermore, Folklore, Lover, Reputation, 1989, Red, Speak Now, Fearless

Taylor Swift ~ Swears Per Albums

Music Pop Culture Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift has swears in the lyrics on seven of her ten albums. Her first album was released in 2006, and the most recent in 2022. Taylor was just 16 when her first studio album was released, and 32 during her most recent. She grew up in the while creating her music, and her maturation is reflected in her lyrics. Swift has always been very meticulous with her word choice. This makes analyzing her lyrics lots of fun. The graph above shows the amount of swears that appear in Taylor Swift’s lyrics on each of her albums.

At the start of her career Swift did not curse a lot. In her first four albums she only swears twice, and both are very mild (damn, hell). More colorful language starts to be consistently used after Red. But things really take off in folklore and evermore. Her 10th studio album, Midnights, has the most amount of swears. It will be interesting to see her lyrical choices are for her 11th studio album. My guess is that the swearing is here to stay.

*Note: This graph is only looking at the original releases of the albums. The vault songs are not being considered that are being featured on her re recordings.

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Then, Taylor Swift swears albums. Then, Taylor Swift swears albums. Graph then, Taylor Swift swears album. Then, Taylor Swift swears album. But, Taylor Swift music evaluation and analysis graph for fun. Damn, Hell, Shit, Fuck graphed in Taylor Swift song lyrics on her nine studio, originally released albums. Fun with graphs to analyze the lyrical choice of Miss Taylor Alison Swift. Next. Then.