Number of time Taylor Swift names alcohol in her lyrics bar graph, bar chart analytics, beer, Parton, whiskey, old fashioned, don perignon, champagne, wine, merlot, rose, cocktail

Taylor Swift ~ Alcohol Lyrics

Music Pop Culture Taylor Swift

The amount of times Taylor Swift has lyrics that specify alcohol can be seen in the graph above. Taylor Swift is known for her heartfelt and relatable songwriting, which often delves into personal experiences and emotions. While she has a vast catalog of songs covering a wide range of themes, it is true that alcohol has made appearances in some of her lyrics. Let’s take a look at a few instances where Taylor Swift mentions alcohol in her songs. Although Taylor was of legal drinking age in the USA during her Red album, references to alcohol don’t appear until the 1989 album.

In the song “Clean” on 1989, the lyric “You’re still all over me, Like a wine-stained dress I can’t wear anymore” is the first name drop of a specific alcohol in Taylor’s music. In her following albums she beings to reference alcoholic beverages more frequently. Her most recent album evermore, having 13 references to specific alcoholic drinks. The song “Champagne Problems” is a large contributor to that number.

The amount of times Taylor Swift has lyrics that specify alcohol can be seen in the graph above.

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Then, Taylor Swift alcohol lyrics

Next, Taylor Swift is the a masterful lyricist. Her song lyrics is huge part of why she is so talented. Swift writes about what she knows and started when she was very young. Her coming of age can be seen in her lyrics. Alcohol plays a large roll in growing up. Taylors use of alcohol I her lyrics reflect her maturity. It would not have made sense for 16 year old Taylor to write about wine, but it feels very natural coming from a 30 year Taylor. Swift always writes her truth. Lyrics: Beer, Patron, Whiskey, Old Fashion, Don Perignon, Champagne, Wine, Merlot, Rose.

Next, Taylor Swift alcohol lyrics