Anne of Green Gables Book Lengths

Anne of Green Gables ~ Book Lengths

Books Pop Culture

All the Anne of Green Gables book lengths can be seen in the graph above. The first book in the series, Anne of Green Gables, was written in 1908 by Lucy Maud Montgomery. The story is about a red headed 11 year old orphan, Anne, who gets adopted by a brother and sister. Anne moves in with the family who live in Avonlea in Prince Edward Island, Canada. The first book of the series was wildly popular and considered a children’s classic move.

The book series has 8 novels in total. The story continues to be about Anne while she grows up and makes her way in the world. The longest book in the series is the first, Anne of Green Gables, with 336 pages. The shortest is the 7th book in the series, Rainbow Valley, with 225 pages.

Anne of Green Gables Book Lengths:

Anne of Green Gables. 336 pages.

Anne of Avonlea. 276 pages.

Anne of the Island. 243 pages.

Anne of Windy Poplar. 288 pages.

Anne’s House of Dreams. 227 pages.

Anne of Ingleside. 277 pages.

Rainbow Valley. 225 pages.

Rilla of Ingleside. 229 pages.

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Anne of Green Gables. 336 pages. Anne of Avonlea. 276 pages.Anne of the Island. 243 pages. Anne of Windy Poplar. 288 pages. Anne’s House of Dreams. 227 pages. Anne of Ingleside. 277 pages. Rainbow Valley. 225 pages. Rilla of Ingleside. 229 pages. All the Anne of Green Gables book lengths can be seen in the graph above. The book series has 8 novels in total. The story continues to be about Anne while she grows up and makes her way in the world. The longest book in the series is the first, Anne of Green Gables, with 336 pages. The shortest is the 7th book in the series, Rainbow Valley, with 225 pages.