World Age Graph

World ~ Median Age

Natural Science World

There are about 7.4 billion people living in about 195 countries on Earth. An interesting way to compare the populations of the different countries is to look at their ages. The graph above shows the median age for a variety of world countries. (Median age is used over the average age, because taking an average is at risk for being largely affected by outliers. Calculating the median age will not be affected by any outlier.)

The rang of median ages across the counties of the world is very large. The ages range from 18 – 48, which is a 30 year spread.

Japan (48), Italy (47), and Germany (46) top the list by having the oldest populations based on median age. Nigeria (18), Nepal (25), and Egypt (25) are all at the bottom of the list by having the youngest populations based on median age. Norway (40), Russia (40), and Thailand (40) fall in the middle. (Meaning, the median age of median ages is 40.)

The United States fall slightly to the younger side of this list. The median age in the US is 38.

World Countries Median Age Graph Notes:

The x-axis (horizontal part of the graph) shows the name of the country. The y-axis (vertical part of the graph) shows the median age. Each bar represents the median age of the world countries. The graph is generated using 2021 data. The ages range from 18 – 48. Median: The middle number or a list of numbers, after the list of numbers have been ordered from smallest to largest.

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