US Presidents Inauguration Age graph

US Presidents ~ Inauguration Age

History US Presidents

US presidents inauguration age can be seen in the graph above. Joe Biden is the oldest at his inauguration. He was 78 years old when being sworn in. Theodore Rosevelt was the youngest at his inauguration. He was 42 years old. Rosevelt became president after the death of President McKinley.

List of US Presidents Inauguration Age

George Washington 57.19 years.

John Adams 61.34 years.

Thomas Jefferson 57.89 years.

James Madison 57.97 years.

James Monroe 58.85 years.

John Quincy Adams 57.65 years.

Andrew Jackson 61.97 years.

Martin Van Buren 54.24 years.

William Henry Harrison 66.06 years.

John Tyler 51.02 years.

James Polk 49.34 years.

Zachary Taylor 64.27 years.

Millard Fillmore 50.50 years.

Franklin Pierce 48.28 years.

James Buchanan 65.86 years.

Abraham Lincoln 52.05 years.

Andrew Johnson 56.29 years.

Ulysses Grant 46.85 years.

Rutherford Haves 54.41 years.

James Garfield 49.29 years.

Chester Arthur 51.96 years.

Grover Cleveland 47.96 years.

Benjamin Harrison 55.54 years.

Grover Cleveland 55.96 years.

William McKinley 54.09 years.

Theodore Roosevelt 42.88 years.

William Taft 51.47 years.

Woodrow Wilson 56.18 years.

Warren Harding 55.33 years.

Calvin Coolidge 51.08 years.

Herbert Hoover 54.56 years.

Franklin Roosevelt 51.09 years.

Harry Truman 60.92 years.

Dwight Eisenhower 62.27 years.

John Kennedy 43.65 years.

Lyndon Johnson 55.24 years.

Richard Nixon 56.03 years.

Gerald Ford 61.07 years.

Jimmy Carter 52.30 years.

Ronald Reagan 69.95 years.

George Bush 64.61 years.

Bill Clinton 46.42 years.

George Bush 54.54 years.

Barak Obama 47.46 years.

Donald Trump 70.60 years.

Joe Biden 78.61 years.

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US presidents inauguration age can be seen in the graph above. Joe Biden is the oldest at his inauguration. He was 78 years old when being sworn in. Theodore Rosevelt was the youngest at his inauguration. He was 42 years old. Rosevelt became president after the death of President McKinley.