Taylor Swift Speak Now albums number of unique lyrics per song graph bar chart number analytics plot

Taylor Swift ~ Unique Lyrics on “Speak Now”

Music Pop Culture Taylor Swift

“Speak Now” is Taylor Swift’s third studio album released in 2010, and is the only album she wrote entirely (music and lyrics) by herself. One way to study the album is by looking at her word choices she made. The graph above shows the number of unique lyrics found on each track of the Taylor Swift album “Speak Now”.

“Dear John” and “Better Than Revenge” are tied for having the most about of unique words at 169. “Haunted” has the least amount of unique words at 105. This means that all the songs range from 169 – 105 unique words. The rest of the songs are spread out pretty evenly between those two numbers.

It is also interesting to note that song length is not a huge deciding factor in the number of unique words. “Dear John” is a whopping 6:43 min. In contrast, “Better Than Revenge” is 3:37 min. Both of these songs have 169 unique lyrics.

The singles from this album are: “Mine”, “Back to December, “Mean”, “The Story of Us”, “Sparks Fly”, and “Ours”. These songs all fall within the middle section of the graph. There does not seem to be a patter between a song being a chosen as single, and how many unique words are in the lyrics.

Taylor Swift Unique Lyrics on Speak Now Graph Notes:

The x-axis, the horizontal part of the graph, shows the number of unique lyrics. The y-axis, the vertical part of the graph, shows the track title. Each bar represents the number of unique lyrics found on that track from the Taylor Swift album Speak Now. The songs are listed in descending order, largest to smallest. There does not seem to be a huge patter. All the songs are spread out pretty evenly. Taylor Swift: is an American singer-songwriter. Her discography includes songs in the country, pop, and alternative genres. Currently she has 11 Grammy awards

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