Julie Andrews Facts Movie TV Shows and Theater Performance Graph

Julie Andrews ~ Movie, TV, And Theater Performances

Julie Andrews Movies Music Pop Culture TV

Facts about Julie Andrews can be seen in the graph above. Her movies, TV shows, TV movies and theater production that Julie Andrews was featured in are all highlighted.

Dame Julie Andrews is a world famous singer and actress. She was born as Julia Elizabeth Week on October 1, 1935 in Surry England. Had to take her stepfathers name, Andrews, when her mother remarried following her parents divorce at the start of WWII. She was 7, and not thrilled with the name change. Turns out her biological father was not her mothers first husband, and her assumed father Ted Williams. She was conceived from an affaire her mother had with a family friend.

Andrews was a child prodigy, with perfect pitch and a four octave range. Parents recognized her talent, and started voice lessons at age 7. Her pianist mother and singer stepfather worked as a stage act together. Starting at 10, Andrews would join her family onstage.

Andrews was the original Eliza Doolittle on Broadway. She auditioned for the film role, but producers wanted well known actress Audrey Hepburn. The snub ended well for Andrews, because she then had to accept the role of Mary Poppins. Her work in the film won her an Oscar for Best Actress and a Grammy for Best Children’s Album. At the time, the film became the highest grossing film for Disney.

Julie Andrews played Maria in the Sound of Music. The film ended up winning five Oscars including the award for Best Motion Picture in 1966.

Tragically, Andrews lost her singing voice during a botched surgery in 1997. She underwent routine throat surgery that ended up ruined her voice. Further surgeries helped her regain her ability to speak, but her singing voice never recovered.

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