Jennifer Aniston Movie and TV Ratings Graph

Jennifer Aniston ~ Movie and TV Ratings

Jennifer Aniston Movies Pop Culture TV

What kind of actress is Jennifer Aniston? She does both TV shows and Movies. She has been in comedies and dramas. Aniston has also been in both kid friendly and not kid friendly projects. Jennifer Aniston movie and tv ratings can be seen in the graph above. The above graph plots all her performance and labels the work, a movie or tv show.

Aniston has been in tv shows or movies with an G, PG, PG-12 and R ratings. When she was young she appeared in more G and PG projects. As her career progressed more PG-13 and R projects became her norm.

Jennifer Aniston: Comedic or Drama Actress?

Jennifer Aniston: Movie or TV Star?

A Jennifer Aniston ratings graph