Great Lakes shoreline length in miles graph bar chart plot, Erie, Huron, Michigan, Ontario, Superior

The Great Lakes ~ Shoreline Length

Great Lakes Natural Science

The Great Lakes are 5 freshwater lakes, and have thousands of miles of shoreline across the US and Canada. An interesting way to compare the lakes is to look at the different shoreline lengths. The above graph shows the total shoreline length for each Great Lake in miles.

Lake Huron has the longest shore line with a 3350 mile coast. Superior has the second longest shoreline with a 2980 mile coast. Lake Michigan falls in the middle with a 1661 mile coast. Second to last is Lake Eire with a 860 mile coast. Finally. Ontario has the shortest with a 726 mile coast. All of this information can be seen in the graph above.

Great Lakes Shoreline Graph Notes: 

The x-axis (horizontal part of the graph) shows the name of the Great Lake. The y-axis (vertical part of the graph) shows the length of the shoreline in miles. Each bar shows the length of the shoreline for that Great Lake in miles. The lakes shorelines range from 3350 to 726 miles long. The lakes are listed in alphabetical order. Great Lakes: Located in the USA and Canada, 5 interconnected fresh water lakes: Eire, Huron, Michigan, Ontario, and Superior. One of the largest surface freshwater ecosystems.

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