There are 8 planets in the our solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Pluto was classified as a planet prior to 2006, but now is considered a “dwarf planet”. An interesting characteristic to compare and contrast the planets by is their average temp. This post will do just that. The graph above shows the average temperature for all the planets (plus Pluto!) in our solar system in order of their distance from the sun.
Earth really is the Goldilocks planet when it comes to average temp. None of the other planets even come close to having hospital temperatures. All the more reason to take care of this place, because it is the only planet humans can call home.
It is HOT on Venus. HOT HOT HOT. Wow. 867 degrees Fahrenheit is an unreal number.
Pluto is the coldest planet in the solar system at -375 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature is because Pluto is also the furthest from the Sun.
The temperate on Mars is -85 degrees F. Although it not as cold as Pluto, it’s still no Earth. Living on that planet would mean never showing your skin to the outside air.
Planets Average Temperature Graph Notes:
The x-axis (horizontal part of the graph) shows the planet name in order from the sun ~ Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. The y-axis (vertical part of the graph) shows the planets average temperature. The planets are listed in the order or their distance from the sun. Dwarf planets: a celestial body resembling a small planet but lacking certain technical criteria that are required for it to be classed as such.